"When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves. "
Victor E. Frankl

Are you ready to reclaim your direction?
Have you been thrown off course by a major life event?
Even the most successful professionals can find themselves feeling lost and disoriented by life’s unexpected storms, such as:
Being downsized or laid off
Having a spouse or partner leave you
Losing a loved one suddenly
Experiencing a health crisis
Facing retirement feeling lost and unsure
These events can rock your world, leaving you confused, hesitant, and frustrated. After years of hard work and playing by the rules, shouldn’t you be reaping the rewards? It shouldn’t be this hard!

Have you realized you're not living the life you truly want?
Do you sense that something is missing? Are you longing for more meaning, fulfillment, and joy in areas such as:
Finding a career that aligns
Creating the relationships you dream of
Risking the change your heart desires
Allowing yourself to be who you really are
Rediscovering your passions outside work
Is it time for you to heed the call, that inner voice you’ve tried to ignore? What new possibilities can you create?

Are you ready to create the life you want?

"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new can come."
Joseph Cambell
It’s time to step into your purpose and power.
I will help you face your darkest places and emerge more resilient and inspired.
If you're willing to step through fear, you will gain a clear sense of where you're heading and develop the skills to thrive through future challenges.
Chart a new path and move forward with confidence
Connect with your "true north" and be inspired to take courageous action.

You deserve to live an authentic and soulful life
Coach Jerry Zygmuntowicz
I understand your challenge
Over the course of a successful career, I’ve been through professional setbacks, health crises, and tragic loss - so I understand what it means to have everything change in an instant.
As a lifelong seeker, I have grown by facing and learning from my own challenges. I am deeply committed to helping other professionals step into their personal power and find their authentic path.
For 20 years I’ve been helping professionals and executives navigate challenges and achieve their objectives. With my deep expertise in coaching and experience in Fortune 500 companies, I know what it takes to help people get unstuck and reach new levels of growth and fulfillment

Committed and highly trained executive and personal coach:
ICF PCC, Health & Wellness, and Retirement Coaching certifications.

Step onto your authentic path

Know your values and strengths
Identify self-limiting beliefs
Be your authentic self

Cultivate Resilience through adversity
Develop your self-care
Enhance emotional intelligence

Navigate choices with clarity
Achieve elusive goals
Live a purposeful life
Let's Get Started
Explore your goals and dreams. Uncover the roadblocks and limiting beliefs in your way.
Chart a path toward your goals. Build emotional intelligence and resilience to navigate the future.
Celebrate your successes and progress. Identify resources to support continued growth.

"There is a crack in everything that's how the light gets in.
Leonard Cohen
I serve clients in these areas:
Personal Renewal
Reconnect with yourself
Discover your core values, strengths and motivation
Recognize your blind spots and self-limiting beliefs
Identify clear objectives and goals
Chart a path forward
Build the courage and resolve to move forward
Conscious Aging
Reconnect with yourself beyond your career identity
Discover your core values, strengths and motivation
Reignite your passions and gifts
Identify activities and connections to bring you alive
Build the inspiration and courage to move forward
What Clients Say

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”